Wednesday, February 20, 2008


people do not occupy their own space
but are projections of my mind.

A mind I do not control
A mind rebellious!

A reason to be angry!


he thought he was living in a comfortable zone
but he wasn’t.

Oh no!

surprising events unexpectedly trounced him.


she loved him from a deep place in her heart
and gazed upon him wantingly.

he liked her attention
it made it seem that he mattered in his mind.


the atheist had stopped believing in god.
stopped believing in his invention, his projection.

god was very happy about this
and prepared to make his move.


he went to work
because if he didn’t he’d have to lie in bed all day, getting sore.

or wander between shops or café
searching for something new.

it might have also had something to do with money.


he wanted to look forward to Christmas
to think old sores would not be re-opened and prodded

but he knew that they would be
and they were.


Selena Dreamy said...

I suppose the truth of everyone of these five stanzas is obvious, and obviously perpetuated. Still, my choice is number III. More subtle in its evocation of life’s beauty and banality than some of the others.

No IV offers an ambiguous scrutiny of the law of diminishing returns.

The sordid need for work reaches its conclusion with the monetary downfall of no V.

The heart's own nostalgic persecution culminates in the expulsion from Paradise. That’s No VI.

I & II neatly link the discovery of the inner self with bigotry and brutality in the outer - rather more beautifully than I could have conceived.

Thank you, Jonathan, for a moment of inspiration.


Jonathan said...

Thanks for your reactions Selena. Interesting perspectives I hadn't directly thought about.

I had thought of titling the series 'The Solipsist', though perhaps this quality only really embraces the first four

The voice I seem to be using just came to me suddenly. I wasn't at all sure I'd put these fragments (though I intentionally don't call them anything) on this site but then suddenly I did and felt good about that.

I think one of the key things about the obvious is that its impact upon us sometimes works to render it not obvious at all.

For example the statement 'we are alive' is obvious. But does this mean we are always aware of it, and act as if we were.

Maybe this is why we both delight in and fear children. They always point out the obvious. This reminds us of the simplicities we forget, and disturbs our doleful embeddeness in the world of the complexly sclerotic.